
Tanzania / Wetlands International at the 6th Africa Water Week

Wetlands International joined thousands of delegates including decision-makers, civil society organisations and citizens from all over Africa to chart a way forward to tackle the […]

Mali / Water, Ecosystems, Livelihoods and Disaster Risks: Wetlands International builds capacity of media of Mali and Guinea

In a bid to forster a key partnership in raising awareness of local communities for the preservation of river water, Wetlands International has trained media […]

Sélingué, Mali / Integrated water resources management – The BAM-GIRE Programme launched by Wetlands International

Wetlands International Mali has chosen the city of Sélingué, 140 km from Bamako, to launch its new program on integrated water resources management called “BAM-GIRE. […]

Sévaré, Mali / Planning and Water Resources Management – Wetlands International builds the capacity of CSOs in Upper Niger and DIN on communication and advocacy

On initiative of the Integrated Management Water Resources Programme (Bam-Gire), funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Mali, Wetlands International Mali […]


Water supply and sanitation

Rural communities and those on the outskirts of urban areas around the world typically have a close relationship with wetlands. Lakes, floodplains, marshes and rivers […]


Natural infrastructure solutions

Floodplains are nature’s flood storage areas, evolving to make space when a river is periodically in a flood state. Society has evolved alongside floodplains using […]


Wetland agriculture and fisheries

Wetlands serve the needs of many different stakeholder groups. They provide vital services to production systems, including flood and drought regulation, water quality enhancement and […]


Rivers and lakes

Wetlands in upland and mountainous areas have an important role in regulating river flows. Lakes in Africa support 16 -17% of inland fisheries, making Uganda […]

Water-Stores-From-Mountains Page

Water Stores from Mountains to Sea

How can we develop sustainably and safeguard communities at risk from water-related disasters? Wetlands such as rivers, streams, swamps, lakes, and estuaries play a critical […]

How can we ensure water security for all?

Wetlands International will be speaking about this issue at the upcoming Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting. The Clinton Global Initiative was established in 2005 by […]