
AfWC Newsletter – June 2010

This newsletter covers outcomes that have resulted from the UNEP-GEF African-Eurasian Flyways Project also known as the Wings Over Wetlands Project (WOW). The newsletter highlights […]

Networking to Conserve our Biodiversity

BIOMAC aims to coordinate conservation efforts in 7 countries: Senegal, Mauritania, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, and Cape Verde. BIOMAC, which seeks to harmonise these actors and their […]

AfWC Newsletter – December 2009

The AfWC newsletter covers some available Single Species Action Plans; reports on two trainings: one in Maputo, Mozambique (on a national wetland and waterbird monitoring […]

The Wader Atlas

An Atlas of Wader Populations in Africa and Western Eurasia The Wader Atlas is a compilation of current knowledge of the numbers, distribution and movements […]

Conservation Strategy for the West African Manatee

This Strategy provides a current and comprehensive reference source for the status of the West African manatee in its natural range spanning from southern Mauritania […]

Protecting the West African Manatee

Under the PRCM umbrella, Wetlands International Africa brought together many international partners and led the development process of the manatee conservation strategy, with the support of the […]

Pilot project for Sustainable Coastal management in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone’s coastal and marine biodiversity faces many threats ranging from habitat destruction, climate change (coastal erosion, flooding and droughts), hunting, collection of sea turtle […]

Niger Basin Atlas

This ‘Atlas of the Niger River Basin’, published with the technical support of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), is intended to better know the importance […]

Land Cover and Avian Biodiversity in Rice Fields and Mangroves of West Africa

Sirenews Numbers 45 (April 2006)