

World Wetlands Day 2021: Wetlands are the Freshwater Sources

Less than 1% of water on Earth is usable freshwater and it is mostly stored in wetlands. This World Wetlands Day we celebrate how wetlands are […]


Beekeeping for Climate Resilience

In the arid north of Uganda, Doreen Acheng, 29, works in her small farm hoping to improve her livelihood through different ventures. A mother of […]


Toward Managing Transboundary Wetlands in the Nile Basin

A major global river basin spanning 11 countries and supporting millions of people, the Nile Basin abounds in diverse wetlands. These wetlands, some transboundary, provide […]


Enhanced Agroforestry Plans to Restore River Aswa Catchment in Uganda

Simon Peter Bua, a smallholder farmer aged 39, doubles up as an adult-learning teacher for his community in Angaro micro-catchment, North West Uganda. With seven […]


Using Geo-Data to Improve Water Resource Management in Kajiado County

Kenya is a chronically water scarce country (UNEP, 2008). This means that demand for water is greater than the renewable freshwater resources that the country […]


Sio-Siteko: Making Steps to Implement Transboundary Wetland Management Plan

Aidah Nabwire, a mother of six, has over the years watched with dread the negative effect of human activities in her home in Busia, Uganda. […]


Youth Power in Restoring Ethiopia’s Central Rift Valley Lakes

In the last two decades, the negative impact of human activities on the environment has reared its ugly face in most parts of the world. […]


Upper Nile Riverine Systems: Enhancing Management for Sustainability

Wetlands International through the Ecosystem Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) project, in collaboration with the Upper Nile Water Management Zone, Ministry of Water and Environment, is […]


Developing an Integrated Wetlands Management Plan for Samburu, Kenya

Wetlands International is developing an Integrated Wetlands Management Plan for Samburu County for key wetlands found in the mid-catchment area of ​​River Ewaso Ng’iro in […]


Wetlands: Our Frontline Defence against Floods

Over the past three weeks, more than 200 Kenyans have been killed by raging floods and landslides. Rivers have broken banks, and dams and lakes […]