

The next generation of wetland conservation champions- The World Celebrates World Wetlands Day

From sea level rise, coral bleaching, hydrological effects, changes in water temperature, to alterations in water availability and quality, climate change is threatening our wetlands […]


Mutual Gains Approach as a negotiation tool for Ecosystem Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods

The productivity and sustainability of natural systems, including wetlands, is increasingly being challenged by a multitude of natural and anthropogenically-induced changes and rising hazards — […]


Wetlands, the front line to our defence – World Wetlands Day 2019

As the climate is changing, we need to take better care of our wetlands – they are the front line of our defence! The world […]


Act before it’s too late: urgent action is needed to save the waterbirds in Africa

On 8th December 2018, the Seventh Meeting of the Parties of African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (AEWA MOP7) came to a close in Durban, Kwazulu Natal, South […]


New study predicts that African waterbirds will suffer from climate change

Wetlands International and BirdLife International have launched results of a major climate impact study at the 7th Meeting of the Parties (MOP7) of the UNEP African-Eurasian Migratory […]


Wetlands International at Ramsar COP13

Wetlands International attended the 13th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP13) held in Dubai, UAE from […]


Ziway-Shalla Basin in Balance: climate resilience for people and nature in the Ethiopian Rift

A unique consortium of Ethiopian and Dutch expert organisations has recently started a Euro 4.3-million initiative called “Ziway-Shalla: Basin in Balance” in the Central Rift […]


Hope for Abijatta Shalla lakes national park as team develops an interim management plan and TEEB study in a bid to save it

Wetlands Internationals’ Climate resilient flyway project team on 29thof August held a stakeholder’s inception workshop to develop a   management plan and to undertake The Economics […]


Improving community resilience actions on the ground through country exchange visits

Partners for Resilience II (PfR) Programme organised several country exchange visits between teams from implementing countries to share their experiences on the application of Integrated […]


Eastern Africa team wins the Wetlands International team excellence award

On 21st October 2018, Wetlands International Eastern Africa team won the prestigious Wetlands International team excellence award in Dubai on the eve of RamsarCOP13, for […]