

Source to Sea: Ambitious Collaborative Partnership to Safeguard and Restore Eastern Africa’s Wetlands

Wetlands International in partnership with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) is bringing together stakeholders from Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania on an ambitious initiative […]


Youth Power in Restoring Ethiopia’s Central Rift Valley Lakes

In the last two decades, the negative impact of human activities on the environment has reared its ugly face in most parts of the world. […]


Wetlands: Our Frontline Defence against Floods

Over the past three weeks, more than 200 Kenyans have been killed by raging floods and landslides. Rivers have broken banks, and dams and lakes […]


Strengthening stakeholder capacity towards integrating geo-data to address WRM & WASH issues in Kajiado

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) knowledge is a powerful decision support tool that provides for collection and analysis of data. Wetlands International through a project supported […]


New study predicts that African waterbirds will suffer from climate change

Wetlands International and BirdLife International have launched results of a major climate impact study at the 7th Meeting of the Parties (MOP7) of the UNEP African-Eurasian Migratory […]


Wetlands International at Ramsar COP13

Wetlands International attended the 13th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP13) held in Dubai, UAE from […]


Ziway-Shalla Basin in Balance: climate resilience for people and nature in the Ethiopian Rift

A unique consortium of Ethiopian and Dutch expert organisations has recently started a Euro 4.3-million initiative called “Ziway-Shalla: Basin in Balance” in the Central Rift […]


Hope for Abijatta Shalla lakes national park as team develops an interim management plan and TEEB study in a bid to save it

Wetlands Internationals’ Climate resilient flyway project team on 29thof August held a stakeholder’s inception workshop to develop a   management plan and to undertake The Economics […]


Improving community resilience actions on the ground through country exchange visits

Partners for Resilience II (PfR) Programme organised several country exchange visits between teams from implementing countries to share their experiences on the application of Integrated […]


Eastern Africa team wins the Wetlands International team excellence award

On 21st October 2018, Wetlands International Eastern Africa team won the prestigious Wetlands International team excellence award in Dubai on the eve of RamsarCOP13, for […]