

Manatee Monitoring Training Module 1

These are videos of the two modules on Manatee Monitoring Training Module that provide a training on how to do manatee monitoring. Documented at the […]

The Critical Site Network

Conservation of Internationally Important Sites for Waterbirds in the African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement Area This publication aims to provide an overview of the Critical Sites identified […]


Why West Africa’s Manatee deserves top CMS and CITES protection

The African Manatee is a member of the Trichechidae; a sirenian, mermaid-like sea cow that can grow up to 3 meters and weigh 500 kilograms. […]

The flyway approach to the conservation and wise use of waterbirds and wetlands: A Training Kit

The new Flyway Training Kit is a one-of-a-kind resource in flyway-scale conservation and represents an important step towards meeting core strategic objectives of the Ramsar Convention […]

Flood Prediction tool OPIDIN

Supporting Freshwater Biodiversity in Africa’s Inner Niger Delta Brochure by Wetlands International Africa on the Flood Prediction Tool for the Inner Niger Delta in Mali […]

AfWC Newsletter – June 2010

This newsletter covers outcomes that have resulted from the UNEP-GEF African-Eurasian Flyways Project also known as the Wings Over Wetlands Project (WOW). The newsletter highlights […]

Impact of dams on the people of Mali

This brochure provides a base for decisions regarding the use of water of the Upper Niger. The brochure presents facts about proposed and existing dams […]

Networking to Conserve our Biodiversity

BIOMAC aims to coordinate conservation efforts in 7 countries: Senegal, Mauritania, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, and Cape Verde. BIOMAC, which seeks to harmonise these actors and their […]

AfWC Newsletter – December 2009

The AfWC newsletter covers some available Single Species Action Plans; reports on two trainings: one in Maputo, Mozambique (on a national wetland and waterbird monitoring […]

African Waterbird Census Newsletter – June 2009

This is the second edition of the African Waterbird Census newsletter. The main purpose of this newsletter is to facilitate communication in the African Waterbird Census (AfWC) network. […]