

Source to Sea: Ambitious Collaborative Partnership to Safeguard and Restore Eastern Africa’s Wetlands

Wetlands International in partnership with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) is bringing together stakeholders from Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania on an ambitious initiative […]


Green Borders for Sango Bay-Minziro Transboundary Wetland

Kyebe Sub County in Kyotera District, Central Uganda, harbours massive flood plains located in the low-lying areas along the shores of the pale blue waters […]


Rufiji Mangroves Sustaining Communities and Nature

Today is World Wildlife Day which is focusing on Forests and Livelihoods that sustain people and the planet. In the Rufiji Delta where some 45,000 […]


World Wetlands Day 2021: Wetlands are the Freshwater Sources

Less than 1% of water on Earth is usable freshwater and it is mostly stored in wetlands. This World Wetlands Day we celebrate how wetlands are […]


Restoring Rufiji Mangroves: Steady Steps, Mega Dreams

As we celebrate World Mangroves Day today, we take stock of the small but sure and steady steps we have made since 2018 towards restoring […]


Developing an Integrated Wetlands Management Plan for Samburu, Kenya

Wetlands International is developing an Integrated Wetlands Management Plan for Samburu County for key wetlands found in the mid-catchment area of ​​River Ewaso Ng’iro in […]


 Wetlands Across Borders: Managing Sango Bay – Minziro, Semliki and Sio-Siteko Transboundary Wetlands

Wetlands occur extensively across the Nile Basin, supporting livelihoods of millions of people and providing a unique ecosystem, rich habitat and breeding grounds for fish, […]


The next generation of wetland conservation champions- The World Celebrates World Wetlands Day

From sea level rise, coral bleaching, hydrological effects, changes in water temperature, to alterations in water availability and quality, climate change is threatening our wetlands […]


Maimuna and the mangroves – The connections between women and wetlands, and the role they play in conservation cannot be ignored.

The connections between women and wetlands, and the role they play in conservation cannot be ignored. But then, how important is it? To look for […]


Mutual Gains Approach as a negotiation tool for Ecosystem Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods

The productivity and sustainability of natural systems, including wetlands, is increasingly being challenged by a multitude of natural and anthropogenically-induced changes and rising hazards — […]