The Directory of Ethiopian Wetlands: a first inventory

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On October 10, 2019, Wetlands International in collaboration with its local implementing partner Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History  Society, EWNHS launched a book entitled  “A First Directory of Ethiopian Wetlands”. The book is the first directory, which provides a comprehensive description and overview of the ecosystem services of Ethiopian wetlands as well as an analysis of the causes of wetlands degradation with feasible options for the protection, restoration and sustainable management of wetlands.

The directory is the product of the Climate Resilient Site Network in the African-Eurasian Fly Way (CRF) project being funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI). This project aims to promote the systematic integration of the conservation and management requirements of Critical Sites for waterbirds in the African-Eurasian flyway into climate change adaptation planning at national, regional and local levels.

The full First  Directory of Ethiopian Wetland can be read here