Strengthening policies for wise use and management of wetlands in four ecoregions (West and Central Africa): Contribution by Wetlands International

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This recommendation brochure is the culmination of a lengthy process of exchanges and discussions between wetlands and ibodiversity specialists, representatives of government agencies and ministries, and representatives of non-governmental organisations and key environmental institutions from five countries (Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau and Mali).


It also represents the product of several years of applied research in the four key wetland ecoregions of West and Central Africa, which are the “Sahelian floodplains”, the “West African mangrove and rice-growing area”, the “West African seaboard from Mauritania to Guinea” and the “Coastal wetlands of the Gulf of Guinea”.

It is intended as an essential handbook for all actors and institutions involved in decision-making on West African wetlands at local, national or regional levels, who may turn to it for answers regarding action to be undertaken to improve the use of the wetlands in the ecoregions identified. This brochure is of interest to policy-makers, as it points out certain consistencies in the ecoregions that transcend national governments, although the latter remain the prime level of decision-making. It is also useful for local-level technicians and stakeholders, due to its analytical nature and the fact that it takes account of priorities such as poverty reduction, preservation of biodiversity, and sustainable development in the countries.