National Disaster Management Strategic Plan for South Sudan

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Disasters in South Sudan resulting in high levels of vulnerability are driven and triggered by various factors influenced by climatic changes and human negligence. Disaster preparedness and management is a cross-cutting activity that affects every sector of the South Sudan society. In the past, little consideration has been put to a context-specific needs assessment, assessment of the nature and magnitude of a disaster once it occurs, evaluation of the impact of disasters on the cultures, local economies and levels of resilience of affected populations, and careful consideration of the extent of emergency assistance that is required to build on community-based organic response to disasters.

In responding to these gaps in disaster preparedness and management, one strategic approach that has been adopted in the National Disaster Management Strategic Plan for South Sudan is an integrated framework that interconnects disaster relief and development. The Plan focuses on strengthening preparedness and response while at the same time, alleviating poverty, engaging the affected community in well planned and managed public works that have disaster-proofing content and supporting development programs that combine disaster prevention and mitigation measures. It is envisioned that all development programs will develop contingency plans to avoid disruption of ongoing development programs when an emergency occurs in the disaster-prone region. PfR South Sudan Country team together with other partners have successfully supported the government, through the Ministry of Disaster and Humanitarian Affairs, to develop a five-year National Disaster Management Strategic Plan. This plan has been officially approved and is now ready for operationalization.

The full DRM strategy for South Sudan can be read here …