Annual Review and Accounts 2017

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Wetlands International has continued its’ work in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean to show how managing wetlands can open the door to sustainable development and be effective in building resilience to climate change. We also demonstrated the link between the condition of wetlands, human security and peace. In this report, you can find many promising examples, including our  “breakthrough” achievements under each Stream of our Strategic Intent.

These outcomes are the fruits of many years of work and are a cause to celebrate. The results help us to build momentum for scaling up our efforts. In the report we also mention some new alliances and programmes which are concrete means for scaling up and increasing the impact of our work. For example, we established a long-term programme for mangrove conservation at the continental level in Africa and we joined the Global Mangrove Alliance to combine forces with NGO partners for a global level outcome. Last but not least I would like to mention that we welcomed the chance to work with a range of new partners in 2017, to gain the support of a number of additional donors and to bring on board additional Associate Experts. Together with the continued invaluable support of our government and NGO members, these additional supporters have enriched
the organisation. Thank you all! Read more here…